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BA Hons Lens Based Media Blog

For the next three years I will be posting some of my work towards the goal of getting to the end of this course and finishing with a good grade...

The first of my posts is on the subject of 'Selfies and How We See Ourselves'

The object of this Task is to interpret how we see ourselves and how others see us.  

Family and friends see us in one perspective, but strangers see us very differently.

Walking through Lincoln city center with a friend, she asked me 'how do I put up with all of the staring and looks from the people going past?'   My response was 'I'm used to it now.  I just ignore them.  They're going to think what they want about me, their opinion doesn't mean anything to me.' 

She replied 'I feel so embarrassed for you...'  I said 'They see someone who is disabled, on crutches with knee and wrist braces.  Someone who they think shouldn't be allowed out of the house or because they look like they should be locked up. They don't know what's happened to me over the years, why I'm on crutches or why I need knee and wrist braces...  I pity them, they are so narrow minded they can't see who I am, they only see the disabilities...'

I've been told I am one of the strongest women they know.  How they like the way I don't let things stand in my way of doing the things I want to do.  They love it when I prove others to be wrong about me, I show them I can do the things they 'know' I can't do...  

Task One

My first photos are how I perceive how I and others see me.

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